Nithya Annadhanam is being served at : Dhanushkodi | Thiruvannamalai | Puravipalayam | Chennai | Pondicherry | Nedumaram Village
Periyavapuram Temple, 2023
May 03, 2023
Kodi Swamigal silai pradhistai, Periyavapuram, Nelvaipalayam, Chengalpet
The meeting of divine minds.
The seemingly mysterious designs and plans that the Siddhas conjure and bring to fruition are beyond human logical comprehension until much later when it all makes sense! The 'chance' meeting of Kodi Thatha and Ummachi Thatha (Maha Periyavaa) on the National Highway in the outer suburb of Chennai is most definitely a case in point.

Under Kodi Thatha's divine instructions, Kumbabhishekam happened at Thabovanam temple in Perungudi on March 8, 2020. Following this, we embarked on a journey to Dhanushkodi with Kodi Thatha's statue for installation and consecration on March 10, 2020. The unexpected meeting of the Great Mahans occurred on the morning of March 9, leaving us in a state of profound awe!
As we journeyed, we noticed the passengers in a car in front of us were keenly observing our Kodi Thatha, who was seated majestically dressed like a King. Suddenly, both vehicles stopped next to each other.

When we descended, we were amazed that the other car had idols and portraits of Mahaa Periyavaa! The unexpectedness of this encounter left us all surprised and intrigued.

While the two Great Mahans met in solemn silence, we mortals exchanged pleasantries and marvelled at the unusual occasion. It all happened quickly, impromptu, We left without exchanging contact details, with Mr.Thanamkodi Radhakrishnan, not realising then that this was the first step in a spiritual journey guided by divine souls.

Mr. Thanamkodi Radhakrishnan with idols of Mahaperiyava & Adi Shankarar
March 10, 2020, Chennai - Madurai National Highways

Mr. Thanamkodi Radhakrishnan at Kodi Swamigal Thabovanam Temple
March 18, 2020, Perungudi, Chennai
Upon our return from Dhanushkodi, a second meeting of the Mahans took place on March 18, 2020. In a twist of fate, Mr. Radhakrishnan found himself visiting a Mahaperiyavaa devotee in Perungudi with the Padhugai of Mahaperiyava.

When he mentioned Kodi Thatha, the devotee revealed that Kodi Thatha's temple was nearby. Mr. Radhakrishnan visited the temple with the Padhugai. Upon setting foot at Thabovanam, a divine presence immediately enveloped him, and he even had visions of ancient temple statues.

During this visit, we discussed and exchanged information. Mr Radhakrishnan narrated his divine mission—to build a temple for Mahaperiyava and Ambal at Sri Periyavapuram near Koovathur—where our trust maintains a goshala! Even at this stage, we did not connect the coincidence and understood that this was all part of a much bigger plan!
Sixteen years ago, one of our temple staff, Mrs. Padma, had a prophetic dream. In her dream, she saw Bama Balaji standing before an ancient Shiva temple at Nedumaram village in Koovathur, offering Annadhanam to the villagers. Click to read more

We commenced Annadhanam at this village on February 18, 2022, and this practice has been going on every Saturday, every pournami & amavasai since then.

The calling of the divine.
Later, in 2021, towards the end of Tamil month, Aadi, Kodi Thatha informed us cryptically that He was going to be in a temple that would come up near Koovathur at a place called Paalayam. We were mystified! As if in answer, Kodi Thatha referred us to our chance meetings before and instructed us to contact Mr Radhakrishnan specifically on August 22, 2021 (Avani Avittam) to inform him of Kodi Swamigal's divine wish of placing him inside the shrine along with Shirdi Sai Baba in the upcoming temple at Periyavapuram.

The meeting with Mr. Radhakrishnan took place at Thabovanam on the appointed day. When informed about Kodi Thatha's wishes, Mr Radhakrishnan responded: "If the mighty protecting God is coming, what more incredible blessing can there be? "

After several seemingly unrelated events, but well orchestrated by Kodi Swamigal himself, on May 03, 2023, Kumbaabhishekam of the temple happened, and as said by Kodi Swamigal himself, he sat on the altar along with Shirdi Sai Baba and Kaarai Siddhar at Periyavapuram.
Kodi Swamigal's divine instructions for this special event
The divine presence of Kodi Swamigal directs every act carried out by our trust. Kodi Swamigal gives the what, when, where, and how of every function.
Moola Vigraham
The divine instructions for the moola vigraham to be established at the shrine were given well in advance. Every aspect, from the details of the idol to the base in which it will be placed, was given by Kodi Swamigal.
Dress colour code
Kodi Swamigal instructed the members of the trust to participate in the pink colour dress that was worn during the 23rd-year Dhanushkodi Kadal Poojai
Kodi Swamigal sila pradhistai at Periyavapuram temple at Nelvaipalaiyam, Chengalpet
MAY 03, 2023 - 6AM - 9AM
Kodi Swamigal Moola Vigraham (Main Deity) being received at the outskirts of Chennai.
Garlanded with the Vilva malai, the container resembling a Brindavan was a curious sight for many.
The moola vigraham reached Thabovanam before proceeding to the temple venue.
Mangala aarthi and thilakam offered to moola vigraham
Seated in the center of the main hall at Thabovanam
First alangaram at Thabovanam
Moola vigraham alongwith the Thabovanam Oonjal urchava murthy
Devotees offering their namaskarams before taking the moola vigraham to the temple
Kumbaabhishekam proceedings at Periyavapuram.
The main shrine at Periyavapuram
The shrine which houses Kodi Swamigal alongwith Shirdi Sai Baba & Kaarai Siddhar.
Pooja before the Kalasam Abhishekam
Kumbaabhisheka kalasam water being offered to Kodi Swamigal
Kodi Swamigal Alangaram after Kumbaabhishekam.