February 2020, Chennai: Shri Arunachalam Sivaachaariyar, after agreeing to meet Mrs Bama Balaji regarding the Kalasam Niruthum Vizha at Thabovanam temple for Kodi Swamigal, visited Thabovanam to discuss further proceedings and guide them following his grandfather's instructions.
Embracing the path of a Siddha Purusha or a mahaan while practising the Shashtra & vedic procedures. Especially for priests, for whom the worshipping deity is supreme during the entire Kalasam Niruthum festival at Thabovanam, Shri. Arunachalam Sivaachaariyar was receptive and accepted whatever Kodi Swamigal said to follow. He kept saying at every point that if Kodi Thatha said it was right, we would follow the same way. Much to the surprise and delight of the trust members, who were speechless when seeing a Vedic pundit open and surrendering himself to the divine instructions of a Mahaan.