Nithya Annadhanam is being served at : Dhanushkodi | Thiruvannamalai | Puravipalayam | Chennai | Pondicherry | Nedumaram Village
Kodi Swamigal arrives at Puravipalayam
From the vast expanse of sea at Dhanushkodi, Kodi Swamigal finally arrived and settled on the terrace of Puravipalayam Palace
The unforgettable arrival to the Puravipalayam Palace
At this spot, Kodi Swamigal exited the car when it reached the Puravipalayam Palace and went up the staircase from the outside verandah. Though the main door to the Palace is in the middle, Kodi Swamigal refused to go in.
In early 1963, Gundu Ramaswamy drove a black Vauxhall car with Kodi Swamigal in the front passenger seat and Soundaravalliammal(Sister of the erstwhile Zamindar of Puravipalayam), her daughter Kalaivani, and her aunt Swarnagandhiammal in the back. They arrived at the Puravipalayam Palace grounds at around 10 a.m.

As they pulled up, the main doors of the palace were opened wide. The reception committee from the Zamin family was led by Zamindar Shri Jaganmandalathypathy Gopanna Mandradiar, followed by his two sons late Shri. Giriraj Gopanna Mandradiar, and late Shri. Vetrivel Gopanna Mandradiar and the Zamindar’s second wife Periyanayakiammal. The zamindar came out to welcome Kodi Swamigal as he got out of the car

The zamindar, his mother, the matriarch, and other family members invited Kodi Swamigal into the house. Instead of complying, he stood outside, gazing around. He then suddenly pointed to the verandah facing him, with stairs going up on the left side, and asked them to open the door there.

Little did they know that the door held the key to fulfilling millions of people’s prayers.
The Abode of Kodi
He went upstairs and chose to stay there. He remained there and never came down until he shed his physical body. The palace terrace became the abode of the wandering mystic for over thirty years. The quaint village town and the palace were never the same, once Kodi Swamigal came.
Terrace that transformed into a temple.
Puravipalayam became a haven for earthly souls - past, present, and future.
The Puraviapalayam palace terrace
The Pancha bhutha steps
Kodi Swamigal seated in the terrace
“If I come down after going up, I will not be alive.” - Kodi Swamigal
A mysterious message indicated that he would stay upstairs and transcend from there.
- Narrated by Mrs. Kalaivani Chengappa, Puravipalayam Zamin Family who was with Kodi Swamigal when she spoke these words.
To read more on the mystical journey of Kodi Swamigal